Damian Bird
Damian Bird (born London 1972) is a photographer and photojournalist with many years of experience, working in war
zones and trouble spots around the globe.
He was educated in Photography at the Surrey College of Art and Design and at the London College of Communication
where he studied for a post graduate degree in Photojournalism.
In 2011 he founded Life Force magazine with his business partner and wife of 17 years, Alice. As well as Editing Life
Force magazine, he is currently engaged in photographing a series of photo-essays on English culture and has recently
returned to Afghanistan. He gives lectures on his work.
His first book Seabird was released in November 2017. His second book is due to be published at the end of 2019.
He has his work published in national and international newspapers and magazines including The Times, the Telegraph,
the Express, the Observer, GQ, Esquire, Dazed & Confused, The Face, Country Life, Geographical magazine and
Life Force magazine.
He lives in Devon with his wife, four children and three Dachshunds.
To purchase a copy of the book or for more info: 07808 589311 or email